Rule #4: Take Your Passion & Make It Happen

Rule #4: Take Your Passion & Make It Happen

By: Ceo Cocoblaze and Jacob G
You can only become accomplished at something you love. Donโ€™t make money your goal. Instead, pursue the things you love doing and then do them so well that people canโ€™t take their eyes off of you.โ€ - Maya Angelou
Having generational wealth is a major goal we all desire. But working from job to job that is not a part of your career goal is not going to help you reach your financial goals. To work in an environment where you are constantly gaining knowledge on something you are truly interested in will make you want to work hard and Achieve Excellence!
Did you ever have an idea, dream, or goal that you were passionate about, but never took the next step and pursued it? According to a 2020 study created by Trade Schools, Colleges and Universities, approximately 78% of surveyed adults stated they did not pursue jobs related to their childhood goals. However, of the 22% of the adults who did pursue jobs related to their childhood goals, 90% reported a high level of job satisfaction.
They say if you choose a job you love, you will never work a day in your life; then why do roughly 80% of adults give up? Fear!
According to data from Global Entrepreneurship Monitor, 17-61% of adults (depending on the country) were fearful of starting a business.
โ€œCourage allows the successful woman to fail - and to learn powerful lessons from the failure - so that in the end, she didn't fail at all. - Maya Angelou
No one is perfect, and failure is a part of life. It is only through failure that we can learn more about ourselves. By failing we learn new skills, what our passions are, and how not to repeat mistakes. Failure is just practice. Failure Leads To Success!
It is only through failure, that we can achieve success. Take what you are passionate about and go with it. Fail at your passions so you can learn from your mistakes and Practice so you can Master those Skills!
Find similar, like-minded people to share ideas with, and help each other succeed. Motivate yourself to be the best person that you can be. Take your passion and make it happen!
How Can I Master My Skills?
Take courses~ If you know what you want to do and who you want to become, take online classes, Go to college, Take trainings, and Complete Certifications. It is All about research and wanting to further your knowledge on what you love to do, it will only help you further your career goals.
Listen to podcasts~ There are so many things you can learn from others. There is literally No person in this world that knows it All!! Some people share their own experiences of the journeys they have taken to reach their career and financial goals.
Knowing That Giving Up Is Not An Option~Run Jump Run Jump Duck Do Not Get Goosed!
I remember a time that I was playing duck, duck, goose, and I fell while running after the kid. I was so embarrassed but I got right up and when it was my turn again I chose the same person and caught them!
When it seems like the world is going against you. Just know it is, God is telling you it is time to Stop and Reevaluate.
You need to start looking at what the obstacles are facing you and change the game. Life is really what you make it. You can not blame others. You have to do and make choices that are right for you.
For your future. For your family
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